Zdravo, spet jaz Tokrat bi vas prosil če bi lahko ko boste imeli čas poslušali tole pesem [video=youtube;eMKZ494BEeE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMKZ494BEeE[/video] s tem besedilom It's hard to breathe, from underneath Smothering in all your heat It's hard to take, It's tough to break So I don't make the same mistakes The same mistake, the same mistake, the same mistake, the same mistake. Out in the yard is where I play, Don't come in cause I'm afraid You saw my face, I faced my friends Do I tell or just pretend? I found a friend, a friend who knows Who says he'll help but then he goes And then he goes, and then he goes. And then he goes, and then he goes. In front of me, In front of me, so far from me, yeah, yeah I'm in the way, the way it goes, so go away, yeah, yeah In front of me, In front of me, so far from me, yeah, yeah Fingernails, filled with dirt If you don't tell, you don't get hurt I cry for help, I pray to God Another tear he tries to rob To rob me of, my dignity Cause sanctuary's far from me Far from me, far from me. Far from me, far from me. In front of me, In front of me, so far from me, yeah, yeah I'm in the way, the way it goes, so go away, yeah, yeah It's hard to take, a piece of me, so peacefully, yeah, yeah In front of me, In front of me, so far from me, yeah, yeah So broke inside, don't run away And find another place to stay And make our inhibition go away Because I'm so afraid, yeah, yeah It's hard to breathe, from underneath Smothering in all your heat It's hard to take, It's tough to break So I don't make the same mistakes In front of me, In front of me, so far from me, yeah, yeah I'm in the way, the way it goes, so go away, yeah, yeah It's hard to take, a piece of me, so peacefully, yeah, yeah In front of me, In front of me, so far from me, yeah, yeah in super bi bilo če bi poskusili ugotoviti akorde Lep pozdrav, Aljaž
http://www.911tabs.com/tabs/n/nickelback/in_front_of_me_tab.htm Lep pozdrav ( drugič malo pogooglaj) mondxxi
Zdravo! Za to sem vedel, sem že googla vendar nikjer nisem dobil akordov... vse kar sem dobil so tablature...
Torej, se bom namesto tebe potrudil in poskusil razločit akorde iz tablatur. Če prav razumem, bi rad izvajal komad samo s "kitaro ob tabornem ognju" in zato potrebuješ akorde in nisi zadovoljen z tabsi? lpmondxxi
Klikneš na povezavo, ki ti jo je pripel mondxxi in imaš prvi zadetek, nato pa v spodnjem desnem kotu klikneš na gumb download.
kaj natančno si želel povedati v tekstu obarvanem rdeče? Da ne znaš brati tablatur ali kaj podobnega?
@ slo.killer če si s tuxom uspel odpreti GP3 datoteko, lahko vidiĹĄ, da kitara na začetku igra razloĹžene akorde, ki so sestavljeni iz treh tonov. Poskusi za to uvodno frazo s pomočjo Tuxa ugotoviti kateri akordi so to tako, da zdruĹžiĹĄ vse tri tone in "vpraĹĄaĹĄ" program po imenu akorda. Na ostalih mestih pa je kitara itak zapisana v power akordih, kar pa je enostavno igrat ob ognju. (poskuĹĄam te naučit lovit ribe)... lpmondxxi
Tudi meni ni jasno česa ne razumeš! Pa ne v smislu:"lej ga - kolk je zabit". Ampak - iz tvoje izjave izhaja zgolj to da ti nekaj ni jasno. In če ti hoče kdo pojasnit tisto kar ne razumeš, bi bilo zelo pripravno če bi vedel KAJ naj pojasni. V nasprotnem primeru boš zelo verjetno dobil ekspertizo o tem kar že veš. in se potem celo jezil na tepca ki ti pojasnjuje očitno... Torej kaj natančno ti ne pomaga: GP fajli ti gredo na živce in jih ne znaš brat, ali nimaš programa zanje Sploh ne veš kaj je to GP ne razumeš kako prevest akord zapisan v TABU v akord kot si ga navajen (aka C, F, Am itd)
Poskusi takole začet, če bo šlo. Tole je približek s "čimbolj enostavnimi prijemi". Me zanima, kako se sliši kitara plus petje. Code: [FONT=Courier New]Akordi:[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]C#m7 X46454[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]E/H X22100[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]Esus4/A# X12200[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]Asus2 X02200[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]F#m 244222[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]A X02220[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]Uvod:[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]C#m7 E/H Esus4/A# Asus2[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]C#m7 E/H Esus4/A# [/FONT] [FONT=Courier New] It's hard to breathe, from underneath[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New] Asus2 C#m7[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New] Smothering in all your heat[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New] E/H Esus4/A# [/FONT] [FONT=Courier New] It's hard to take, It's tough to break[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New] A F#m A[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New] So I don't make the same mistaaaaakes[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New] F#m A F#m A[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]The same mistaaaaaaake, the same mistaaaaake,[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New] F#m A F#m A[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]The same mistaaaaaaake, the same mistaaaaake[/FONT] lpmondxxi PS meni osebno se zdi enostavneje naučit kitarsko linijo, kot pa brenkat zgornje akorde...
Ja, hvala lepa za razlago in pomoč. Nismo bli na isti valovni dolžini ta točka mi je delala težave: ne razumeš kako prevest akord zapisan v TABU v akord kot si ga navajen (aka C, F, Am itd) zdaj pa sm pogruntal in razumem hvala lepa