Wolves in the throne room - Wanderer above the sea of fog

Discussion in 'Iščemo besedilo ali naslov / izvajalca pesmi' started by WinterHeart, Nov 9, 2011.

  1. WinterHeart

    WinterHeart New Member

    Iščem že 10000 let besedilo a ga nikjer ne najdem... vem da je težko razločno in use, ampak če kdo slučajno razloči vsaj koščke bo že veliko pomagal :D


    majo pa drugače zelo kvalitetna in zanimiva besedila, zato si tudi tega želim vedeti, hehe
  2. BlackBurn

    BlackBurn New Member

    Upam da je pravo....mislim pa da po muziki bi bilo nemogoce prepisat:D

    Yes, to the darkest place that we know
    Outside of the rider's domain
    To the heart of the wood
    To the hidden places beyond the briar thickets

    The dance must begin as dusk gathers around

    Our skin drum and rattle
    know the tune
    jaw bone driven through
    the skull of a great foe
    bested with wooden spear
    the tip hardened in fire

    Bathe in the clear cold stream
    Fresh water from the unsullied endless spring that flows from the
    We will sing the most ancient song
    Spark the fire upon dry tinder

    The dance must begin as dusk gathers around

    Our skin drum and rattle
    know the tune
    jaw bone driven through
    the skull of a great foe
    bested with wooden spear
    the tip hardened in fire
  3. WinterHeart

    WinterHeart New Member

    hahahahahaha, ne, to je od istega banda komad samo da je naslov the cleansing. Ni isti komad. Vseeno hvala, in ja, se strinjam, samo besedila se pa nikjer ne dobi...

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